Lower Killeyan

Directions: From Port Ellen, drive up the Oa and follow the road all the way to the end. At the T-junction (left is to the RSPB-Oa) keep right if you're on foot. If you arrive by car, please park at the RSPB Nature Reserve as there is no parking at Lower Killeyan.
Walk: Cross the gate at the end of the track in front of you, and cross the field while you head right and walk down to its lower boundary. There are a few options to get down the hill and access the beach. Pick the most suitable descent, it looks quite steep but there are a few places where it's easier to walk down. When you reach the beach you have beautiful views over the sea and the rocks, and the whole area is fascinating to discover. If you cross the burn on the right you reach a nice waterfall. In the rocks facing the beach, there is a cave with interesting patterns in the layers of rocks everywhere around you. You return the same way as you arrived.